Friday Aug 25, 2023
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT
August 25 from 11am-3pm
Bay Breeze Senior Living and Rehabilitation Center 3387 Gulf Breeze Pkwy. Gulf Breeze Fl, 32563
Free and open to the public
Brianne Wildman 251-472-5483
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Food Truck Festival and Open House. If you are going to be in the Gulf Breeze area August 25th, please join us for lunch! We will be hosting a variety of food trucks at Bay Breeze Senior Living and Rehab from 11-2:30. Come out, meet the staff and purchase some delicious local cuisine. If you have a loved one in need of long-term care or rehab the facility will open for tours. If you are a nurse or a CNA looking for a new career, please ask for me!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Gulf Breeze Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
3044 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 – (850) 932-7888 –